Tuesday, May 8, 2012

1 Little 2 Little 3 Little Chihuahuas

So today I went to the shelter and did 2 things, I played with and photographed the 2 puppies that are under 6 months. Working with them has special requirements of carrying them to the cat meet and greet room. They may not walk there or be anywhere other than that room because they're too young for their shots. The second thing I did was count how many chihuahuas we currently had at the shelter because we're over run with them! It's like a chihuahua invasion! Currently we have 9 chihuahuas in all. It's crazy cause we have maybe 15-18 dogs tops in the A-section(adoptable) and of them 9 are chihuahuas. Next most is probably terriers with a smattering of random breeds like the Dachshund, spaniel/mix and labrador we just can't seem to get adopted. The breed is starting to grow on me too. It's unsettling. I've never been anti-chihuahua(or any other breed) but I sure haven't been a fan of the chihuahua(yappy fiesty headstrong little rat dogs...) but a few of them have rubbed off on me and my opinion of them has been more favorable; but they're still yappy little dogs with more attitude than is good for them!

So here is today's puppy honoring the chihuahua!

Super playful and fiesty this girl loved to chase the mini-tennis ball that was there and shows great potential for training to play fetch! As all puppies are at this age she's a bit mouthy(cause like human infants they learn by putting everything in their mouths) but she was fairly gentle never biting very hard which is an excellent sign of future bite inhibition(learning to be super gentle with her mouth when using them on humans) or learning not to use her mouth on people at all. So please come give her a loving forever home!

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